Our Mission

What makes us different?

Unlike anyone else, Theoddsocks' aim is to make a statement of individuality. Celebrating differences and adopting cultural influences & to be a business that overflows with positive energy. Theoddsocks desire is to deliver the best organic products that warms the soul. And every so often we get the chance to experiment with new concepts and ideas.

Our Motivation

Lord Knows, 

it's my social awareness which eats me up + we don't know if thats been my greatest gift or not, but its the difference which I feel so much, the urge + ability to go against the grain. 

The ability + urge to be ODD. Gods' played a huge part of what makes me up. through the lowest of tides + pushing through any anxious moment.  It's the fear that makes up the greatest of moments. 

Smoke Up w/ OddSox. 

#Sincerely, ODD. 

...to be continued.

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